Click thumbnail for full image. © Bob Brooks Creative 2019

Morning Departure 2019

Mixed media on canvas with resin. 24” x 18”

The morning departure; a daily ritual that includes a brief breathless glance to the east each day as we drive by on our way to work. Imagine if you could tell yourself to slow down, pull over and take in this moment. The original inspiration for the Departures* series, this is where I found the inspiration to stop driving to a life at work and start working at a life where I live and breathe in Departure Bay.
— Artist, Bob Brooks

This work of art is part of a private Collection* and is not for sale. We take the privacy of our Collectors* seriously and are sincerely grateful to be able to grant public access to this work of art’s image and information. Thanks so much to all of our Collectors* for your support and generosity! Enjoy browsing the entire Collection* and come again as we are always adding new works of art to the Collection*