Click thumbnail above for full image. © Bob Brooks Creative 2020

Entrance Island No. 2 2019

Mixed media on canvas with resin. 30” x 24”

The second of two pieces, Entrance Island No. 2 is based on the lighthouse off of Gabriola Island. This is a special place to view from Orlabar Point for much of my family as our Mother and Step-Dad lived on Gabe for over 25 years. This was a spot where children and grandchildren played during the summer, usually accompanied by my parents who loved those family visits more than anything.
— Artist, Bob Brooks

This work of art is part of a private Collection* and is not for sale. We take the privacy of our Collectors* seriously and are sincerely grateful to be able to grant public access to this work of art’s image and information. Thanks so much to all of our Collectors* for your support and generosity! Enjoy browsing the entire Collection* and come again as we are always adding new works of art to the Collection*